From the nursery in your garden
Environmentally friendly grown
Low prices
Free advice from the nursery
The tree nursery
Hedge plants directly from the nursery. The entire cultivation process is completed at our nursery, even the cuttings are grown ourselves. This allows us to recreate every day high-quality hedge plants to offer.
Buying plants through our webshop is easy, fast and reliable. We bring your plants directly from our nursery into your garden. And don't forget, our hedge plants are grown in an environmentally friendly way!

Strawberries, more than organic
100% fresh Organic strawberries, without any chemical agent. Even the 'approved biological agents' are excluded. Grown with respect for the environment, directly from West Flemish soil.
Did you know that strawberries are one of the most sprayed fruits?
That is why the choice for Organic was made quickly!

Ask your question to the nursery

Pure from the field , that is garden plants, hedges, ground covers, trees, flowering shrubs, climbing plants, ornamental grasses, Ilex crenata 'Japanese holly', boxwood substitutes, fertilizers and peat, sustainable house plants, ecopots plant pots, drip hoses, organic strawberries, organic flower bulbs, organic fruit plants and so on many more buy direct from the grower. Sustainably grown & packaged!