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Boxwood substitute | to replace  - alternative

Discover the ideal replacement for Buxus. Ilex! Ilex comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes. But which Ilex type is best to choose to replace your Buxus? At our nursery we selected the best varieties from the wide range of Ilex. Discover them all below!

Info planten
You can no longer ignore the many press articles and media attention about boxwood. Buxus is fully ravaged by the Buxus caterpillar, an alien caterpillar that has been affected by the worldwide transport network in our regions. It literally eats up the boxwood completely. The fast reproduction of the boxwood moth makes it difficult to stop. Nevertheless, people try to stop the moth with all kinds of chemical and non-chemical means, but many give up and look for an alternative that does not have to be sprayed every once in a while. That is why the Ilex varieties are ideal as an alternative to Buxus. They exist in lighter and dark green varieties. At Puur van't Veld, the best varieties were selected in our opinion and then grown ourselves. Below you will find a nice overview of every Ilex species, because since there are countless Ilex species on the market, it is difficult to make a choice  to make. Of course Buxus does not only have to be replaced by Ilex, there are many possibilities to create a biodiverse garden. You can find them via 'Biodiverse Buxus substitutes'.
Buy all Ilex plants easily via our nursery plant shop

Biodiverse Buxus vervangers

Ontdek tal van andere alternatieven voor Buxus, naast de Buxus look a like Ilex crenata


Ilex crenata Stokes

Echt donkergroen

- Donkergroen blad

- Groeit compact

- Ideaal voor lage haagjes

- Ideaal om in vorm te scheren

- Prachtig klein-gemiddeld blad (grootte)

Ilex Dark green®

Flexibel - vormen- hagen

- Flexibele haagplant

- Decoratieve schijnhulst

- Onopvallende witte bloempjes in mei - juni

- Donkergroene, groene kleur (blad)

- Van kleine tot grote hagen

- Van kleine vormen tot grote vormen

Ilex crenata green hedge

Typische lichgroene kleur - ideaal voor grote hagen

- Lichtgroene kleur blad

- Ideaal voor grote hagen

- Groeit iets minder compact

- Winterhard

- Verkrijgbaar in verschillende vormen

Ilex crenata Blondie®

Groen-gele kleur blad

- Groen-goudgele kleur blad

- Ideaal voor grote vormen

- Groeit compact

- Winterhard

- Verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten

Ilex crenata Caroline Upright


- Groen kleur blad

- Ideaal voor hagen

- Groeit compact

- Winterhard

- Verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten

Ilex crenata Convexa

Donkergroen - compact

- Donkergroene kleur blad

- Ideaal voor bolvormen of compacte hagen

- Groeit compact

- Winterhard

- Verkrijgbaar in verschillende maten

- Schijnhulst

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Ilex crenata - Japanese holly -  Boxwood substitutes - Ivy - Hedera hibernica - Organic strawberries - Garden - Environmentally friendly - Buy Ilex crenata at the nursery - Nordmann Christmas trees - Ground covers - Yew - Garden tools - Fire bowls - Trees - Hedge plants


Kapstraat 4

8840 Oostnieuwkerke,

West Flanders, Belgium

BE 0827.474.039



+32 (0)499 19 79 13


Reachable by phone:

Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 18:00


Monday-Friday: Open by appointment

Saturday: 8:30-12:00 & 13:30-17:00 (open freely)

Sunday: closed

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