Ilex meserveae ''blue prince'' is a popular male cultivar of the blue holly. It has a fairly compact, dense shape, beautiful purple twigs and shiny, particularly spiky oval blue-green leaves. In spring, this male holly blooms with small white-green flowers and can easily fertilize four to five female specimens. This ilex meserveae ''blue prince'' is very decorative in winter, attracts bees and butterflies, is flexible in terms of location, does not like soil that is too calcareous, can withstand air pollution and tolerates sea wind. This species is very hardy and especially suitable for impenetrable evergreen hedges and block planting.
Ilex Under the microscope
Bottom type
Not too humid, low ph
Adult height
2 m to 2.5 m (slow growing)
Ilex Under the microscope
Leaf color
Blue-green leaves
flower color
Flowering months
Pruning period
May June
Part shade - sun - shade
In early spring, late winter after the worst frosts
Ilex meserveae 'blue prince' planting does not require much effort, but there are some points that must be taken into account before and during the planting of this Ilex species;
Mix the soil with some peat nutrient mixture. This ensures a well-drained soil and strongly promotes the root formation of the plant. In addition, it lowers the pH, ideal for Ilex!
You can also do some digging and turn everything well to get a drained soil.
When the weather is warm and you plant Ilex in your garden, it is very important to give it sufficient water. This is also recommended when planting in flower boxes or flower pots.
Do not use lime with Ilex
With this info you can get to work and then enjoy for sure of your beautiful garden and your new greenery!

Ilex meserveae 'blue prince' is a very simple plant in terms of care. Treatment against diseases is not necessary, as this strain is extremely disease resistant. However, there are some things to pay attention to in order for your Ilex meserveae 'blue prince' to feel well;
Always fertilize with organic fertilizer, never chemical
Pruning is best done in early spring, late winter after the worst frosts
Tip from the nursery!
The organic fertilizer that we use at the tree nursery is available in the webshop.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is your question not listed? Fill in the information below, together with your question and we will answer it as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!
Hoe snel groeit Ilex Dark green®?Ilex Dark green groeit relatief snel. Vanaf het 2e jaar na aanplanting groeit het ongeveer 10 - 15 cm per jaar. Dit zorgt ervoor dat 1 snoeibeurt per jaar voldoende is.
Waarom zorgt Ilex Dark green® voor biodiversiteit?Ilex Dark green® heeft een enorme troef als het gaat om biodiversiteit. Het is een compleet andere plant in tegenstelling tot Buxus. In mei - juni komen er aan Ilex Dark green® mooie witte bloempjes en in de maanden oktober - november komen er zwarte steenvruchtjes aan de plant. Hierdoor krijgt deze Ilex soort veel aantrek van vogels, bijen en insecten.
Kan Ilex Dark green® ook aan zee geplant worden?Jazeker, geen probleem. Ilex Dark green® kan zoute zeewind zeer goed verdragen.
Kan ik zelf Ilex Dark green® verder vermeerderen?Nee, dit is niet toegestaan. Aangezien deze Ilex soort onder kwekersrecht valt. Ilex Crenata "Dark Green" ® "Dit ras is beschermd door Europees kwekersrecht onder nummer EU20072678. Elke vermeerdering en doorkweek is enkel toegelaten nà schriftelijke goedkeuring van de licentiegever."