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Plant Guide

Below you can consult all information about planting, care and properties of our full range of hedge plants. Discover tips from the nursery so that your garden shines like never before!

We also offer a wide range of boxwood substitutes. 

Info planten
Plant tokens
Click on the photos below to discover all information about planting, care and properties. Make your garden a real place to enjoy, full of life! All plants are also available through our plant shop.

Ilex crenata Dark green

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Ilex crenata green hedge


Ilex crenata Stokes

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Ilex crenata Blondie


Buxus sempervirens


Hedera hibernica - klimop


Osmanthus Burkwoodii

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Ilex mes. blue prince

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Euonymus jap. green spire

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Taxus Baccata

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Elaeagnus ebb. compacta

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Nordmann kerstbomen

Ilex crenata - Japanese holly -  Boxwood substitutes - Ivy - Hedera hibernica - Organic strawberries - Garden - Environmentally friendly - Buy Ilex crenata at the nursery - Nordmann Christmas trees - Ground covers - Yew - Garden tools - Fire bowls - Trees - Hedge plants


Kapstraat 4

8840 Oostnieuwkerke,

West Flanders, Belgium

BE 0827.474.039



+32 (0)499 19 79 13


Reachable by phone:

Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 18:00


Monday-Friday: Open by appointment

Saturday: 8:30-12:00 (free opening)

Sunday: closed

* In February the nursery is open in the morning. From March all day!

Welcome - Bienvenue - Welcome

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